Category: Product Information

Marc Millar Photoshoot

A fantastic set of captures of the original MS13, suitable for eBikes, the first production version of the Manta saddle before the road-optimised model, the MS9. In front of Edinburgh’s Parliament, and Portobello by Marc Millar ~ click on thumbnail previews

Marc Millar Photoshoot


Bella’s dad swapped blue for bronze, Bella (6yo) makes circles on the blue MS9

Offroad in Brazil: Hélio Araújo, Professor of Physical Education


IMAR’s Professor Rami Abboud (almost being ignored) on the BBC


Hélio Araújo, Physical Education Professor, Brazil Cycle Tour Group


Manta fitting settings advice – HÉLIO ARAÚJO


Setting up – Jon (designer)


Functional illustration via animation


“Der intelligenteste und bequemste Sattel aller Zeiten”! – yes!


Another setup Illustration


The great RyanF9 explaining why we need the MANTA


1996, Struan Cottage & workshop, needed some work