Category: Forum chat

Power-assist Bike forum

MANTA, and Other Saddles on fixies and Power Bikes…   Thread: “…what is the most comfortable seat”       sparky Senior Member     Does anybody speak German??!?!?  “Relax IQ” [the Manta MS9, as sold in Germany] – – Relax 2 – – I think I’m going to need to order both of these. Surely one… Read more →

Fixie Saddles on Bikeforums

Single Speed & Fixed Gear – Which Saddles Do You Like? Forum chat .. Sherblock 12-05-11, 08:56 PM I ride with this [MANTA] on my fixie. I actually paid more than $100 over [the UK] price to order it from this German company ( that talked me into buying another $250 seat (, which I only care for on my… Read more →